Are You Leaning on a Spiderweb?

Job 8:14 Everything they count on will collapse. They are leaning on a spiderweb.

Isaiah 36:6  . . . If you lean on Egypt, you will find it to be a stick that breaks beneath your weight and pierces your hand. . .

What are we leaning on?  What are we training our children to lean on?  When things around us fall apart, do we act like we are leaning on a spiderweb or perhaps on a stick that breaks and sticks us in the hand?  The way we respond under pressure will definitely reveal what we are leaning on.

The church I grew up in regularly sang “Leaning on the Everlasting Arms”  This song came to mind when I read the verses above and I have found myself singing it during these concerning days.  Teach it to your children and sing it often as a personal testimony of Who you are leaning on.

What a fellowship, what a joy divine,
Leaning on the everlasting arms!
What a blessedness, what a peace is mine,
Leaning on the everlasting arms!
O how sweet to walk in this pilgrim way,
Leaning on the everlasting arms!
O how bright the path grows from day to day,
Leaning on the everlasting arms!
What have I to dread, what have I to fear,
Leaning on the everlasting arms!
I have blessed peace with my Lord so near,
Leaning on the everlasting arms.
Leaning, leaning,
Safe and secure from all alarms;
Leaning, leaning,
Leaning on the everlasting arms.

History of the song: The songwriter based this song on the text of Deuteronomy 33:27, ‘The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms’

”The first stanza addresses the joy of God’s presence. The hymn writer suggests that even in times of death, peace can be found. The second stanza compares the Christian faith to a pleasant pilgrimage. With the use of the first-person singular pronoun “I” in the third stanza, this hymn can become a personal testimony. . .”



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