How fun to be able to spend time with Josh and Becca during these special days in their family. What a privilege to be with Grant as he grows to love his new brother. This week we are using Proverbs 17:17b with him and Hudson – “. . . a brother is born to help in time of need”.
Grant and I found a picture of an older brother helping his younger brother and glued it onto a styrofoam plate. I wrote the verse on the plate and we tied a ribbon to it and hung it on a door knob for him to look at all week.
Becca let Grant pick out Hudson’s clothes for the day. Grant helps with diaper changing by taking the dirty diaper to the trash with great enjoyment. He checks his diapered Teddy for poo often.
We read about Joseph and his brothers in Joseph and His Brothers: Genesis 37-47 for Children (Arch Books). We talked about how sad it was for the brothers to be so unkind to Joseph. We prayed that God would help Hudson and him to be good friends and help one another. We read We’re Very Good Friends, My Brother and I.
We sang “You’re Something Special” from Especially For Children (classic moments from) The Bill Gaither Trio. You can download the song here and see the lyrics here.
It seems like just yesterday I was using these same activities with Josh when Jer was born. Moms, don’t miss a moment with your little ones because with the blink of your eye, they will be grown and having little ones of their own 🙂
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