Day Five
(click for a printable pdf)
God Made Fish and Birds
So God created great sea creatures and every sort of fish
and every kind of bird.
God saw that it was good. This all happened on the fifth day.
Genesis 1:21
Say: “On the 5th day of Creation God made fish to live in the waters and birds to fly in the sky. The Bible says ‘So God created great sea creatures and every sort of fish and every kind of bird. God saw that it was good. This all happened on the fifth day.‘ Again the Bible says that God was pleased with what He had made.”
Read about Day Five of Creation in a Bible story book.
Make a picture like the one above or use the printable pdf.
- Pretend to be a fish. Make fish faces 🙂 Sing Little Fish Swimming.
- Make a fishing pole out of a stick with a piece of string tied to it; tie a magnet to the string. Cut out fish patterns and attach paper clips at their mouths. Lay the fish on a blue cloth or paper to be the lake. Catching fish can be hours of fun. You can put Bible verses on each fish and say them when each fish is caught.
- Pretend to be a bird flying. Sing Little Bird Flying
- Use this pattern to make a bird. Print on printer paper, cut slit in the body of the bird, slide the wings through, then tape the bird to a craft stick. The wings will go up and down as you move the stick up and down.
Song: Sing the following words to God Made the Whole World by His Hands
God made the fish and the birds by His hands.
He made the fish and the birds by His hands.
God made the fish and the birds by His hands.
He made the whole world by His hands.