Day Three – God Made Sea, Land, and Plants

Day Three
(click for a printable pdf)

Day Three – God Made Sea, Land, and Plants

And God said, “Let the waters beneath the sky be gathered into one place so dry ground may appear.” . . . God named the dry ground “land” and the water “seas.” And God saw that it was good. Then God said, “Let the land burst forth with every sort of grass and seed-bearing plant. And let there be trees that grow seed-bearing fruit. . . . And God saw that it was good. This all happened on the third day. Genesis 1:9-13


Say: “God made the seas, land, and plants on the third day.  When He looked at all He had made so far, He really liked it!!  This is what the Bible says: And God said, “Let the waters beneath the sky be gathered into one place so dry ground may appear.” . . . God named the dry ground “land” and the water “seas.” And God saw that it was good. Then God said, “Let the land burst forth with every sort of grass and seed-bearing plant. And let there be trees that grow seed-bearing fruit. . . . And God saw that it was good. This all happened on the third day.

Read about Day Three of Creation in a Bible story book


Make a picture like the one above or use the printable pdf.

Sea:  Have fun with water play today – Thank God for water as you play.

  • Using a straw, blow into a bucket of water that has a little detergent in it.
  • Make a paper boat and play with it in water. Video instructions

Land: Get dirty together as you share that God made dry land.

(1982 Billy, Josh, Jer playing in the dirt)

Plants: As you share that God made plants:

Have a ‘dirt’ snack of crushed oreos with yogurt covered raisens as ‘seeds’ to plant in it

Prayer: Thank you, God, for dirt to play in.  Thank you for water that helps plants grow in the dirt. Thank you God for the sea for the boats to sail on.

Songs: Sing the following words to God Made the Whole World by His Hands

God made the sea, land, and plants by His hands.
He made the sea, land, and plants by His hands.
God made the sea, land, and plants by His hands.
He made the whole world by His hands.

Do the following action song together:

This is the way we plant the seed in the dirt, in the dirt.
This the way we plant the seed;Thank you God for dirt.

This is the way the rain comes down to water the seed, God waters the seed.
This is the way the rain comes down, God waters the seed.

This the way the sun shines down to help it grow, God helps it grow.
This the way the sun shines down, God helps it grow.

This is the way the plant grows, plant grows, plant grows,
This the way the plant grows – Thank you God.


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