Jacob and Esau


Jacob and Esau



Read the chapters about Jacob and Esau in your Bible. (Gen. 25-35) Then find the stories in your children’s Bible and share them with your children

Jacob and Esau were twins born to Isaac and Rebekah.  They were very different. Jacob was fair-skinned; Esau was hairy. Jacob grew up to love cooking; Esau grew up to love hunting.

Esau was a few minutes older than Jacob so the blessing of the father would go to him, but Jacob tricked Esau into giving him the birthright and he lied to his father to get the blessing from him.  Talk about sibling rivalry!!  Ephesians  4:25

Joseph had to leave town to get away from his angry brother.  On his journey, when stopped to rest, he had a dream – God told him that He was going to bless him with more children than the sand, just as He had told Jacob’s grandfather, Abraham, that He would bless him with more children than the stars

Isn’t it amazing to think about the fact that after Jacob had just lied to his dad and stolen the blessing from his brother, God still promised him blessings and His presence wherever he went.  Wow – what love, grace, and forgiveness! Nothing we can do will stop God from blessing and loving us, just as nothing your children can do will destroy your love and care for them.  Please emphasize this fact with your little ones.

Jacob worked 7 years for a wife only to be deceived by Rachel’s father when he gave him his daughter Leah instead.   He then had to work another 7 years to get Rachel.

Interesting that Jacob deceived his father and then he was deceived by his father-in-law and later by his sons Galatians 6:7

After many years Jacob cautiously traveled back to see Esau who lovingly welcomed his brother home Ephesians 4:32

This website has some Jacob and Essau activities to do: http://www.dltk-bible.com/old_testament/jacob_and_esau-index.htm

Act out the story.  Here’s what I did with our grandsons on my last visit with them. I used what yarn that was available to make Esau hairy 🙂



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