Read here about Day Three of Passion Week. Jesus had a busy day, having his authority challenged 4 different times and spending time teaching. In your personal reading, read chapters 11 – 16 in Mark to become very familiar with the account of Jesus’ last week on earth. Be prepared to tell some of the parables with enthusiasm. Read to your children from their children’s Bible some of these stories that Jesus told. Click here for books of various parables by Arch Publications. Click here for books and videos related to Easter. Click here or here for a good children’s Bible.
Jesus often taught in parables. Follow His example in teaching and use visuals or stories to get the point across:
Plant a seed as a visual to illustrate the death and resurrection of Jesus. Talk about when we put seeds in the ground we can’t see them anymore, but after awhile they will push their way out of the ground. Just like when Jesus died and friends put him in the tomb, they couldn’t see Him anymore, but after three days, the first Easter morning, Jesus came out of the tomb alive! (marigolds or zinnias sprout within three days!)
Take a family walk and notice any new growth as you talk about the fact that Easter comes at springtime when seeds begin to sprout after being dead all winter. The plants come out to praise God and remind us that Jesus is alive! (Psalm 145:10 All Your works shall praise You, O Lord,)
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