
(This is another lesson from Here a Little, There a Little, a compilation of Bible activities I created to use with my preschool children. It was designed to spend a week memorizing the verse and reinforcing it through Bible lessons and activities.)

“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.” (William Arthur Ward)  Share this quote with your children and teach them that since everything comes from God, we need to express thanks to Him for everything.  We should also express thanks to those God leads to give to us.


Bible Verse: James 1:17  Every good present and every perfect gift comes from above, from the Father who made the sun, moon, and stars.

Bible Stories:

1. Psalm 127:3 The Bible says that children are a gift from the Lord.  Every good gift comes from God. God gave Mom & Dad a very special gift (age of your child) ago.  We are so thankful God gave us the special, special gift.  Do you know what that gift was? – It was (child’s name)!

2. Psalm 68:19 Praise God who daily loads us with benefits The Bible says God daily loads us up with blessings.  Blessings are anything God gives us just because He loves us.  Can you name something God gives us every day? (Jesus, food, sleep, sunshine, happy times, smiles, hugs, water, love, friends, air to breath, etc)

3. Genesis 1 In the beginning of the world God made everything.  He made the animals, trees, blue sky, water, stars, sun, clouds, birds, plants, etc.  After He made His beautiful world, He made Adam and Eve.  He gave all He had made to them to enjoy.  God also gives all He has made to us to enjoy.  Thank you God, for your good gift of your beautiful world.

4. Philippians 4:10-19 Paul had need of something.  He was locked up in jail for preaching about Jesus.  The people in the church in the city called Philippi decided to send some gifts to Paul.  They loved him and wanted to help him.  Paul knew that it was God who had helped them to give the gift.   Paul knew that every good gift comes from God.

5. Philippians 1:1-5 Paul wrote a thank you letter to his friends in Philippi while he was in prison.  He told them that he thanked God for them every time he thought of them.  His friends cared about him and Paul was grateful for their friendship.  He knew they were a gift from God to him.  We need to thank God for our friends and those who help us.  We need to tell others we are thankful for them.

Prayer: Thank you God for all the gifts you have given us.  Help us to always be thankful to you and to others.


1. Look at baby pictures  and express your gratefulness to God for giving you your children.

2. Cut out pictures of things that God gives us.  Put them in a a ‘thankful box’ and pull them out regularly and thank God for them

3. Play out in God’s beautiful world and sing one of these thankful songs.

4. Find or draw a picture of Paul in jail and talk about what gifts God might have led his friends to send him.  Do you know of someone that has a need that God could be leading your family to give to like the Philippians gave to Paul?

5. Train your children even now to always be quick to thank those who give to them.  This should also be those who give of their time to them. Help them write a thank you, complete with art work, to someone God has used to bless them (grandparent, pastor, s/s teacher, waitress, sales clerk, doctor, mailman, etc).



How to Tell a Bible Story

Children learn best when they hear and see what is being taught.  Read the Bible story ahead of time and be ready to tell it in your own words with much enthusiasm, acting it out as much as possible.  Use visuals to illustrate the Bible story.  Then try to end with a practical application for their lives and a verse to memorize.  A song is always good to help remember the teaching as well; put the verse or something in the story to a familiar tune.

Here’s a suggestion for telling 1 Samuel 16:1-13, the story of the shepherd boy David being anointed as king.


Tell about Samuel looking for a new king as you walk around searching & looking at each child.  Before you start telling the story, give one child a stuffed lamb.  When you come to that child say that David was just a kind, young boy watching sheep when Samuel found him.

Samuel had looked at all of David’s older brothers who were much stronger, but God told Samuel that the Lord doesn’t make decisions the way people do by outward appearance; the Lord looks at a person’s thoughts and intentions.

God helped Samuel know that David was the chosen king, not because of what he looked like on the outside, but because of what he was like on the inside.  Samuel then anointed David with oil.  Anointing with oil was a way of showing that a person was set apart to be used by God.

Visual: Ahead of time, draw David on the front of a piece of construction paper.  Then draw the crown and scenery if you like on the back (hold paper to light to make sure you draw the crown in the right place).  Tape David to a plate (don’t show the back of paper)  Anoint David with oil using a cotton ball to apply oil.  The crown magically appears when the paper is covered in oil. Say that God saw more than what Samuel saw when he looked at David; God saw that David had a good heart to be the new king.


Practical application: David was chosen and anointed to be king because he had a good heart.  Emphasis that our actions are more important than our appearance.  God has something special for each of us to do just as He had for David to do.  We must keep our hearts kind and good so we can do what God wants us to do.

Memory verse: 1 Samuel 16:7 … man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.



How Big is God!?!

(This is another lesson from Here a Little, There a Little, a compilation of Bible activities I created to use with my preschool children. It was designed to spend a week memorizing the verse and reinforcing it through Bible lessons and activities.)

Our Big God

God is greater than man.
Job 33:12

Bible Stories:

  1. Psalm 104 David wrote about how great God is.  He knew God was greater than man.  It was God that made the heavens, water, and earth.  He puts the mountains and valleys in place..  God walks on the wind, causes the thunder, gives water to all the animals, and causes the grass to grow.  It is God who has made darkness, feeds the animals, causes the sun to rise and set, gives the animals homes, makes the moon to rise and set.  Man could work from morning to night and not be able to do all God does and has done and will do!!  Truly God is greater than man.
  2. Exodus 2:11-14; 3:1-22; 14:15-31 Moses saw one of his people being beaten by an Egyptian.  This made Moses angry and he wanted to help his friend.  Moses killed the Egyptian and buried him in order to help his friend.  The next day someone found the Egyptian that Moses had buried and knew that Moses had done it.  Moses ran away.  God followed Moses and told him that he saw how bad his people were being treated and he was going to use Moses to help them.  God lead Moses to gather the people and lead them out of Egypt.  The Egyptian army followed them.  When they got to the sea, God parted the water and let them pass to the other side.  Just when the army started to pass, God caused all the army to be buried under the water.  God showed Moses that He is greater than man.  When Moses tried to help his people, he only helped one, only destroyed one Egyptian, and then didn’t bury him very well because someone found him.  When God helped His people, He helped them all, destroyed the entire Egyptian army, and completely buried them in the sea.  God IS greater than man!
  3. Isaiah 55:8-9:25-31 God is greater than man.  God said that His ways are higher than our ways.  The things God thinks and plans are greater and wiser than the things we think and plan.  That is why we should always ask God what He wants us to do because He knows what is best for us.  God is greater than we are and knows more than we know.  Always ask God to show you what to do because He is greater than you.
  4. Matthew 14:25-31 Jesus’ disciples were in a boat one night and Jesus came to them walking on the water.  Peter then wanted to come to Jesus and walk on the water, but he began to sink in the water because he was afraid.  Jesus was greater than Peter.  Jesus could walk on the water but Peter couldn’t.  God is greater than man and can do things greater than men can do.
  5. Philippians 2:9-11 Jesus is greater than man.  God has even given Him a name that is greater than any man’s name. God says that at the name of Jesus everyone and everything shall bow down.  Jesus’ name has power and we can use His name to help us with any problem.  When we use Jesus’ name everything and every person will have to respect His name.  God is greater than man.  Jesus is greater than man and His name is greater than man.
  6. Mark 4:36-39 Jesus and His disciples were in a boat.  Jesus was taking a nap.  All of  sudden a big storm came up with strong wind that was tossing the boat back and forth.  The disciples were afraid.  When they woke Jesus, He spoke to the wind and said “Peace, be still”.  Immediately the wind stopped.  Only Jesus can stop the wind!!


Prayer: Help us to always be aware that You are greater than us and we should depend on You to handle our problems


Activities for younger preschooler:

  1. Go outside and point out all God made and share the verse
  2. While in the tub, tell the story of God parting the water
  3. Let him look in the mirror and talk about only God can make a cute little baby like him.
  4. While in the tub, tell the story of Jesus walking on water
  5. Sing ‘Jesus, Jesus, There’s Something About That Name’ from Bill Gaither’s Especially for Children
  6. Let him feel the wind and talk about how Jesus stopped the wind


Activities for older preschoolers:

  1. Put the verse on the refrigerator.
  2. Play in the pool or bath and tell the story about God parting the waters
  3. Show a rock, sand, water, etc.  Tell him to try and make a rock.  Share the verse.
  4. In the tub or pool, tell the story of Jesus walking on water.  Try to walk on water.
  5. Print the name of Jesus in block letters and let your child color it while you sing ‘Jesus, Jesus, There’s Something About That Name’ from Bill Gaither’s Especially for Children
  6. Stand in front of a fan and try to stop the wind



“Jesus, Jesus, There’s Something About That Name
Listen to it here
Purchase it here

“My God Is So Big”



Check your children’s Bibles for the stories mentioned above.  If you don’t have any, there are several recommended on the Train Up The Child aStore


The Lord is Good to All – Bible Stories and Activities

Here a Little, There a Little is a compilation of Bible activities I created years ago to use with my preschool children.  It was designed to spend a week memorizing one verse and reinforcing it through 5 Bible lessons and 5 activities.  I hope you find this week’s lesson helpful to intentionally notice the ways God is good to us.

God is Good

Psalm 145:9  The Lord is good to all.

Bible Stories: (I suggest you read the stories from the Bible and then tell them in your own words with expression.  Also find them in your children’s Bible and read them to your children.)

  1. Genesis 2 God made the first man and named him Adam.  He was good to Adam.  He gave him all kinds of animals to keep him company.  But Adam was still lonely so God made Adam a wife to be his best friend, to talk to, and to share the garden with.  God made Eve to be Adam’s wife.  God was good to Adam (Proverbs 18:22)
  2. Exodus 14 God’s people were being chased by some bad people who didn’t love God and wanted to hurt His people.  When they came to a great big sea, they had no way to cross the water, so God parted the water in the center and the people of God walked on dry land right over to the other side of the sea without even getting wet! Then the bad men started to cross over after them, but God caused the waters to go back together and all the bad men were drowned.  God protected his people; He was good to them.
  3. I Samuel 1 Hannah was so sad because she wanted a baby very badly.  She asked God for a baby and God answered her prayer.  He gave her a baby boy named Samuel.  God was good to Hannah and wanted her to be happy.  God was good to us so He gave us a special gift from Him – He gave us you!  The Bible (Psalm 127:3) tells us that children are a gift from God.
  4. Matthew 8:20, Matthew 6:25-34 God is good to the birds; He gives them nests to live in. God is good to the foxes; He gives them holes to live in .  God feeds the birds and clothes the flowers and the grass.  Jesus said that if God takes care of these, how much more will He take care of you and feed and clothe you too. He is good to all!
  5. God is good to you; The Bible tells us that He thinks about you (Psalm 139:17).  He is with you always (Joshua 1:9).  He even knows when you are crying and catches your tears (Psalm 56:8).   He gives you good things to eat (Psalm 103:5). God is good to you!!

Prayer: Thank You, God,  for being so good to us. (Lead your child to thank God for  specific things as they come to mind)

Activities for baby:

  1. Sing the songs in the videos below and change the words to fit what you might be doing that reminds you that God is good.
  2. While rocking, name the ways God is good to us.
  3. Let baby look in a mirror and talk about how good God is to have given him to you
  4. Feed the birds and talk about how God takes care of them and us.
  5. Share the verse while he eats.

Activities for older preschoolers:

  1. Creatively write or illustrate the verse.  Hang it on the fridge or in a prominent place all week.
  2. Lead him to name ways God is good to us and sing the songs below, fitting the things he named into the songs.
  3. Look at pictures of when he was born and talk about how good God is to have given him to you.
  4. Feed the birds and talk about how God takes care of them and us.
  5. Make cookies and say “God satisfies our mouths with good things to eat (Psalm 103:5).



Check out these:

Children’s Bibles

My Awesome God Bible Story Book
