Day Four – God Made the Sun, Moon, and Stars

Day Four
(click for a printable pdf)

God Made the Sun, Moon, and Stars

And God said, “Let bright lights appear in the sky to separate the day from the night. They will be signs to mark off the seasons, the days, and the years . . . For God made two great lights, the sun and the moon, to shine down upon the earth. The greater one, the sun, presides during the day; the lesser one, the moon, presides through the night. He also made the stars. God set these lights in the heavens to light the earth, to govern the day and the night, and to separate the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good. This all happened on the fourth day.
Genesis 1:14-19


Say: “God made the sun for light in the day and the moon and stars for light at night.  God is so powerful all He had to do was speak and they were made.  This is what the Bible tells us: And God said, ‘Let bright lights appear in the sky to separate the day from the night. They will be signs to mark off the seasons, the days, and the years’ . . . For God made two great lights, the sun and the moon, to shine down upon the earth. The greater one, the sun, presides during the day; the lesser one, the moon, presides through the night. He also made the stars. God set these lights in the heavens to light the earth, to govern the day and the night, and to separate the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good. This all happened on the fourth day.
Read about Day Four of Creation in a Bible story book


Make a day time/night time picture like the one above or print the pdf.

Go here to find some basic info about the sun, moon, and stars

  • Make sun prints by placing a colored piece of art paper in the sun and put a small shape such as a key, toy, or whatever on it.  Come back a little later and the sun will have made a print of the shape on the paper.  Sing: The Sun is in the Sky
  • Go outside at night and look at the stars and moon.  Sing: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star; God Has Put You Where You Are.
  • Play with play dough on a black piece of art paper:
    • Make a large round yellow ball for the sun.
    • Make a smaller yellow ball for the moon and put indentions in it for craters.
    • Make a crescent moon or other phases of it and talk about the fact that sometimes we can’t see all of the moon. (Click for another way to illustrate all the phases of the moon)
    • Use a star cookie cutter and make stars.
  • Cut sandwiches in shapes of sun, moon, and stars or make cookies in the shapes.

Prayer: Thank you, God, for the sun to light the day and the moon and stars to light the night.

Song: Sing the following words to God Made the Whole World by His Hands

God made the big, round sun to brighten the day.
He made the moon and the stars to light up the night.
God made the sun, moon, and stars by His hands.
He made the whole world by His hands.

Day Three – God Made Sea, Land, and Plants

Day Three
(click for a printable pdf)

Day Three – God Made Sea, Land, and Plants

And God said, “Let the waters beneath the sky be gathered into one place so dry ground may appear.” . . . God named the dry ground “land” and the water “seas.” And God saw that it was good. Then God said, “Let the land burst forth with every sort of grass and seed-bearing plant. And let there be trees that grow seed-bearing fruit. . . . And God saw that it was good. This all happened on the third day. Genesis 1:9-13


Say: “God made the seas, land, and plants on the third day.  When He looked at all He had made so far, He really liked it!!  This is what the Bible says: And God said, “Let the waters beneath the sky be gathered into one place so dry ground may appear.” . . . God named the dry ground “land” and the water “seas.” And God saw that it was good. Then God said, “Let the land burst forth with every sort of grass and seed-bearing plant. And let there be trees that grow seed-bearing fruit. . . . And God saw that it was good. This all happened on the third day.

Read about Day Three of Creation in a Bible story book


Make a picture like the one above or use the printable pdf.

Sea:  Have fun with water play today – Thank God for water as you play.

  • Using a straw, blow into a bucket of water that has a little detergent in it.
  • Make a paper boat and play with it in water. Video instructions

Land: Get dirty together as you share that God made dry land.

(1982 Billy, Josh, Jer playing in the dirt)

Plants: As you share that God made plants:

Have a ‘dirt’ snack of crushed oreos with yogurt covered raisens as ‘seeds’ to plant in it

Prayer: Thank you, God, for dirt to play in.  Thank you for water that helps plants grow in the dirt. Thank you God for the sea for the boats to sail on.

Songs: Sing the following words to God Made the Whole World by His Hands

God made the sea, land, and plants by His hands.
He made the sea, land, and plants by His hands.
God made the sea, land, and plants by His hands.
He made the whole world by His hands.

Do the following action song together:

This is the way we plant the seed in the dirt, in the dirt.
This the way we plant the seed;Thank you God for dirt.

This is the way the rain comes down to water the seed, God waters the seed.
This is the way the rain comes down, God waters the seed.

This the way the sun shines down to help it grow, God helps it grow.
This the way the sun shines down, God helps it grow.

This is the way the plant grows, plant grows, plant grows,
This the way the plant grows – Thank you God.


Day Two – God Made Sky and Water

Day Two
(click for a printable pdf)

Day Two – God Made Sky and Water

And God said, “Let there be space between the waters, to separate water from water.”And so it was. God made this space to separate the waters above from the waters below. And God called the space “sky.” This happened on the second day.
Genesis 1:6-13


Say:  “On the second day of Creation, God made the sky and water.  The sky was made to separate the water in the sky from the water on the earth.  This is what the Bible says: And God said, “Let there be space between the waters, to separate water from water.”And so it was. God made this space to separate the waters above from the waters below. And God called the space ‘sky.’ This happened on the second day.
Read about Day Two of Creation in a Bible story book.


Make a picture like the one above or use the printable pdf.

Sky:  Make a paper airplane and/or a kite. If you need help, go here:

As you fly these, repeat often Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God made the heavens and the earth and sing Blue, Blue Sky.

Water:  Talk about the waters that fall from the sky: rain, snow, hail, frost, dew

  • Take a bag of cotton balls and pretend it is snowing by throwing the balls up in the air.  Throw ‘snowballs’ at each other
  • Play with the sprinkler or a watering can and listen to the water fall down as you sing God Made the Rain.
  • Act out ways you use water – bathing, swimming, cooking, etc.

Prayer: Thank you, God, for the blue sky and for the water that falls from the sky and covers the land.  Thank you, God, for everything you have made.

Songs: Sing the following words to God Made the Whole World by His Hands.  Click to listen.

God made the sky by His Hands
He made the waters that cover the lands
God made the sky and the waters by His hands
He made the whole world by His hands


Day One – God Made Day and Night

Day One
(click for a printable pdf of this)

Then God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.
God called the light “day” and the darkness “night.”
Together these made up one day.
Genesis 1:3, 5


Say:  “God created everything.  He started by making day and night on the very first day. The Bible says that God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light. God called the light ‘day’ and the darkness ‘night’. Together these made up one day.”
Read about Day One in a children’s Bible story book.


  • You can make a day and night picture like the one above or you can use the printable pdf.  I will be giving you one each day this week so you can either make a Creation book or cut out the circles and cover in plastic so you can use them to let your child put them in order.
  • Talk about and act out things you do at night – bathe, sleep, read, watch tv, etc.
  • Talk about and act out things you do during the day – work, school, play outside, etc


Thank you, God, for making the day for work and play.  Thank you, God, for making night for rest.  Thank you, God, for making the whole world!!


Sing the following words to God Made the Whole World by His Hands.  Click to listen.

God made the light and called it day.
God made the dark and called it night.
God made both day and night by His hands.
He made the whole world by His hands.


Let’s Study the Creation Week

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
Genesis 1:1

He created everything there is–nothing exists that he didn’t make.
John 1:3

Foundational to our belief system is our thoughts on how ourselves and the world around us came into being.  The Bible makes it very clear how the world began.  Let’s spend this week talking about the week of Creation as it is recorded in Scripture.  Begin by reading Genesis 1 for yourself.  Then each day tell your children what God made on that day during the week of Creation.  I hope by now you have a good Bible story book with illustrative pictures of what God made.

It is interesting to note that on the first three days God created the places and on the last three days He created things to reside in the places in the same order He created the places.  This information helps in remembering what was created when.

Share the above verses often as you use songs, hands-on activities, games, crafts, books, pictures, etc. to establish this truth in your children.  I’ll give you some suggestions each day, but I’m sure you can be more creative.

You might want to use the following song this week:
