WD-40 has always been around our house and seems to be as valuable to a man as superglue is to a woman. But what does WD-40 stand for? I just found out from a post at Our Daily Journal that it literally stands for ‘Water Displacement 40th attempt’. “In 1953, chemist Norm Larsen was attempting to concoct a formula to prevent corrosion—a task which is accomplished by displacing water. Larsen’s unyielding tenacity and persistence paid off when he perfected the formula on his 40th try.” I thought that was so awesome to see that the name of the product is a reminder to don’t give up.
I also found out from Our Daily Journal that chutzpah (khoot-spuh) is a Jewish/Hebrew word for headstrong persistence, unyielding tenacity, bold determination, and raw nerve. Right now my husband and I have several things concerning our children that we are imploring the Lord for with intense chutzpah. We will not give up until we see God answer. There are several examples of this in scripture and God was pleased with it.
In Genesis 32:24-29 Jacob wrestled with God and said, “I will not let You go unless You bless me!” And God blessed him!
In Matthew 15:22-28 a woman comes to Jesus concerning her daughter’s possessed condition and she refused to leave Him alone until He healed her daughter. Jesus commended her faith.
In Luke 11 Jesus was teaching his disciples to pray and told a story about being persistent in asking.
God is pleased when we trust Him so much we come to Him with chutzpah. Keep petitioning God on behalf of your children!!!
Listen to this song and sing it with your children as you resolve to Don’t Give Up (Royal Tapestry Records, 1985)