(This is another lesson from Here a Little, There a Little, a compilation of Bible activities I created to use with my preschool children. It was designed to spend a week memorizing the verse and reinforcing it through Bible lessons and activities.)
“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.” (William Arthur Ward) Share this quote with your children and teach them that since everything comes from God, we need to express thanks to Him for everything. We should also express thanks to those God leads to give to us.
Bible Verse: James 1:17 Every good present and every perfect gift comes from above, from the Father who made the sun, moon, and stars.
Bible Stories:
1. Psalm 127:3 The Bible says that children are a gift from the Lord. Every good gift comes from God. God gave Mom & Dad a very special gift (age of your child) ago. We are so thankful God gave us the special, special gift. Do you know what that gift was? – It was (child’s name)!
2. Psalm 68:19 Praise God who daily loads us with benefits The Bible says God daily loads us up with blessings. Blessings are anything God gives us just because He loves us. Can you name something God gives us every day? (Jesus, food, sleep, sunshine, happy times, smiles, hugs, water, love, friends, air to breath, etc)
3. Genesis 1 In the beginning of the world God made everything. He made the animals, trees, blue sky, water, stars, sun, clouds, birds, plants, etc. After He made His beautiful world, He made Adam and Eve. He gave all He had made to them to enjoy. God also gives all He has made to us to enjoy. Thank you God, for your good gift of your beautiful world.
4. Philippians 4:10-19 Paul had need of something. He was locked up in jail for preaching about Jesus. The people in the church in the city called Philippi decided to send some gifts to Paul. They loved him and wanted to help him. Paul knew that it was God who had helped them to give the gift. Paul knew that every good gift comes from God.
5. Philippians 1:1-5 Paul wrote a thank you letter to his friends in Philippi while he was in prison. He told them that he thanked God for them every time he thought of them. His friends cared about him and Paul was grateful for their friendship. He knew they were a gift from God to him. We need to thank God for our friends and those who help us. We need to tell others we are thankful for them.
Prayer: Thank you God for all the gifts you have given us. Help us to always be thankful to you and to others.
1. Look at baby pictures and express your gratefulness to God for giving you your children.
2. Cut out pictures of things that God gives us. Put them in a a ‘thankful box’ and pull them out regularly and thank God for them
3. Play out in God’s beautiful world and sing one of these thankful songs.
4. Find or draw a picture of Paul in jail and talk about what gifts God might have led his friends to send him. Do you know of someone that has a need that God could be leading your family to give to like the Philippians gave to Paul?
5. Train your children even now to always be quick to thank those who give to them. This should also be those who give of their time to them. Help them write a thank you, complete with art work, to someone God has used to bless them (grandparent, pastor, s/s teacher, waitress, sales clerk, doctor, mailman, etc).
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