2016 Pop and LaLa Summer Camp


Little did we know last year that we were starting a yearly tradition, but along about January of this year the grandkids started asking when was Pop and LaLa Summer Camp this year – they were excited to do it again – and so were we!  Then all of our grown children decided they didn’t want to miss the fun and they planned to come for a few days of the camp also.  So — we had the entire Daws family eating, swimming, playing, and watching movies together for awhile.  It was heaven!!! And some of the grandchildren got to stay 5 weeks!  We had one week with all 5 grandchildren and most of the time we had all 4 grandsons!!

Here’s some pics from out time together:


our stairwell is full – our cup runs over with blessings

Sand Castle Ice Cream

the dogs and frogs got lots of attention

cousin bonding

water balloon battles

boating and fishing

snack crafts

In the midst of all the fun, we wanted to make sure we spent time helping their parents equip these little ones to live in such a wicked and perverse generation.  We chose as the theme of the camp “The Whole Armor of God” (Ephesians 6:11-17)

We helped them make each piece of the armor which they enjoyed dressing up in and pretending to fight the Enemy.  We explained what each piece represented and how important it is to be fully dressed and ready to stand against the tricks of the devil.

We are so thankful for the time we had with all 5 of our grandchildren and the opportunity to obey Deuteronomy 4:9  “But watch out! Be very careful never to forget what you have seen God doing for you. May his miracles have a deep and permanent effect upon your lives! Tell your children and your grandchildren about the glorious miracles he did.”


Never miss an opportunity to spend time with your grandchildren.  Bond with them during a water balloon battle or a sock war or a sandcastle ice cream.  In the midst of the mess you can have the privilege of sharing with them what God has done in your life and help equip them to put on the whole armor of God.


Violet expressed how we all felt about the last day of summer camp



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