Great Resource from Creator of Veggie Tales – What’s in the Bible ?

I just found a great resource to teach children the Bible.  It is from the creator of Veggie Tales, Phil Vischer.  This is not just random and familiar Bible stories, but it’s the whole Bible from Genesis to Revelation.   There are videos, free downloadable coloring pages and activities, and even a whole curriculum for Sunday School and VBS.

I love the fact that it covers the whole Bible so children can get the complete picture of God’s story!

Please check out What’s in the Bible? for a comprehensive and FUN way to teach your children the Bible and even answer some difficult questions about it! Watch this trailer:

And if you are shopping for curriculum for your church, get special discounts here. Watch this trailer:


God’s Plan for Parenting – Deuteronomy 6

Deuteronomy 6:6-7

And you must commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these commands I am giving you today.  Repeat them again and again to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are away on a journey, when you are lying down and when you are getting up again.


 Pastor Rob Morgan explains this important passage for parents:


Let’s Learn About the Life of Moses

Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
Josua 1:9

Just as the verse promises, God was with Moses wherever he went throughout his life and He will be with us wherever we go.  Have fun teaching the life of Moses and this wonderful promise to your children.  I recently spent a week doing this with my grandsons and we had a blast!!

Read the Scripture passages and retell the stories in your own words.  Also read the stories to your children from a children’s Bible.  Share  Joshua 1:9 often as you do the following activities.

Moses is born
Exodus 1:8 – 2:10

(Make a basket out of paper and put a baby in it.  Hide in real grass or make paper grass)

God Calls Moses
Exodus 3

(Put bits of yellow, orange, and red construction paper in a bush to represent the burning bush)

Crossing the Red Sea
Exodus 14

(Take blue construction paper and fold the ends to the center.  Glue sand or brown construction paper in the center)
(Use toy figures and don’t forget the army men)

Eating and Drinking in the Wilderness
Exodus 16:1 – 17:7

(Let manna fall from heaven (soda crackers or popcorn cake or any kind of white wafer)

(Run a hose pipe under a rock and have someone turn on the water as the child strikes the rock)
(Notice the backpacks packed for their trip in the Wilderness)

Here’s a song with motions to help memorize the verse:


God Sees Me


I received this question from a mom last week:

“We are having a problem with our preschool son being sneaky. We tell him no and he waits until we aren’t looking and then does it.
Any scriptures for this one? Ideas? Help.”

Below is my response:

“This one verse comes to mind:
Genesis 16:13 Thereafter, Hagar referred to the Lord, who had spoken to her, as’the God who sees me,’ for she said, ‘I have seen the One who sees me!’
Here is a week long lesson I used with my children using this verse:”


God Sees Me

Genesis 16:13 God Sees Me

Bible Stories: (Tell a different Bible Story each day)

Genesis 3 Adam and Eve disobeyed God. They ate some fruit from a tree that God had told them not to eat. They tried to hide themselves from God in the garden. But God came looking for them. He knew what had happened. God saw them. God was very disappointed with Adam and Eve. Remember that God sees you and you can’t hide from Him when you do wrong.

Genesis 16 There was a lady name Hagar who ran away from her home. She ran to the wilderness trying to hide from everyone but God knew where she was and he told her to go home. Hagar said, “You, God, see me: and she went home like God had told her to do. God sees me everywhere I go and He sees you everywhere you go. God sees everyone.

Proverbs 15:3 The Bible says that God’s eyes are everywhere and He sees all the good things we do and He sees all the bad things we do. Even when mom and dad aren’t watching you, God is watching you. God sees you; He keeps His eyes on you to take care of you and to keep you out of trouble. Always remember that God sees you and when you are tempted to do something bad, ask yourself if you want God to see you doing that.

1 Kings 19 A wicked queen named Jezebel was mad a the preacher Elijah. She wanted to hurt him so Elijah ran away. He ran into the wilderness and sat down under a juniper tree and went to sleep. God saw Elijah there and woke him up and gave him some food and water. Then Elijah went to a cave. God saw him there, too. God saw Elijah everywhere he went. God told Elijah he had special things for him to do and to go back. Elijah obeyed God because he knew that saw him.

Jonah God told Jonah He wanted him to go to Ninevah to preach to the eople there. But Jonah didn’t want to go to Ninevah. He got on a boat going to Tarshish to hide from God. But God saw him on that boat and sent a big wind to disturb the water and cause the boat to almost sink. The men on the boat found out that Jonah was trying to hide from God so they threw him out of the boat. God saw Jonah in the water and caused a big fish to swallow Johan. God saw Jonah in the fish and heard him praying. God made the fish spit Jonah out on dry land. Then Jonah went to Ninevah and preached like God had told him to do. Jonah learned that God saw him wherever he was.

Prayer: Help us to always act with the thought that You see us. Thank you that we can’t hide from You. You are always watching over us to keep us from trouble.


  • Cut the letters ‘God Sees Me’ out of felt and frame them and hang them on the wall as a constant reminder that even when no one else is looking, God sees me.
  • Show glasses, telescope, mirror, camera, microscope, binoculars, sunglasses. Talk about the fact that God doesn’t need any of these things to see us.
  • Have child turn their back and you take one of the items away.  When they turn around have them guess which one you removed.  Talk about the fact that God sees what we do when others can’t.
  • Go in every room, outside, under the bed, etc and repeat the Bible verse in each place
  • Play Hide and Seek with older children and Peek a Boo with younger – pointing out that even when you can’t see them God still can

“You can talk to him about honesty which is being careful what you say and do – Click
here for a post on this site for ideas and a song with signing video about honesty.

Hopefully something here will be helpful. Thank you for having a passion for establishing God’s Word in your children.

‘You are doing a great work’ (Jeremiah 6:3)”

Please feel free to email me with any questions at Not that I have all the answers, but I would be happy to try and help you find the answers as you train up your child in the way he should go.





Teaching Preschoolers Contentment

Giving thanks produces contentment.  Read the suggested passages for Bible stories or thoughts and tell them in your own words.   Do one each day along with a suggested activities.  Put the Bible verse on the fridge and repeat it often.


(Choosing to be happy with what you have)

Bible Verse: In everything give thanks. 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Bible Stories:
Hebrews 1:15 – God wants us to give Him thanks more than anything. He would rather us tell Him “thank you” than to give Him money. He would rather us tell Him “thank you” than give Him presents. God likes to hear “thank you”.

Psalm 119:1 – David thanked God for everything God did. He thanked him for the good things. He even thanked God for the bad things that happened. David thanked God even when he was hurt because it helped him to learn God’s Word. The bad things that happen to us can help us learn more about God when we go through the hurtful things. God wants us to thank Him when good things happen and not so good things happen.

John 6:1-13 – One day Jesus was teaching a lot of people and they were all hungry. Jesus took what food was given to him by a little boy and thanked God for the food. God made enough food from that to feed all the people. Jesus gave thanks for His food and so should we.

Luke 17:11-19 – One day 10 sick men came to see Jesus. They asked Jesus to help make them well. He told them how to be healed. When they obeyed him, they were healed. All 10 were healed but only 1 came back to thank Jesus.

Psalm 139:14 David thanked God for making him. He said, “I will thank God for making me wonderfully” David thanked God for making all of his body – eyes, nose, mouth, ears, hands, feet, stomach, etc. Thank God for making all of you.

Prayer: Help us focus on things we do have, not on the things we don’t have

Thank God for someone special and make a card for them.
Make a ‘thank you box’ and find pictures of things to put in it.
Paste picture of foods (favorite and not so favorite) on a paper plate and write the Bible verse on it. (John 6:1-13)
Make paper cut outs of the 10 sick men and act out the story. (Luke 17:11-19)
Play ball together and thank God for each part of the body as you use them. (Psalm 139:14)


A Thankful Song

