
(showing the worth of others by using your eyes, ears, and mind to focus on what they are saying or doing)

Here is a week of ideas to teach attentiveness.  Begin by creatively making a poster of one of the following verses and place it on the fridge all week.
Share the above definition.
Read the suggested passages for Bible stories or thoughts and tell them in your own words.  I have given you suggested things to share about each.
Do at least one of the suggested activities each day.  I am sure you can come up with better ideas on your own – this is just to get you started.
Remember to teach as you go; here a little, there a little.

Bible Verse:

Study to be quiet. 1 Thessalonians 4:11
We must pay much closer attention to what we have heard.  Hebrews 2:1

Bible Stories:

Mark 1:35 Jesus loved to get alone with God so he could be quiet and just listen to God. Usually Jesus would get up very early in the morning to go to a quiet place. There he would pray to God and be quiet and listen to God talk to him.

Psalm 29:3 and 1 Chronicles 16:33   We can hear God in many ways if we will be quiet and listen to God. The Bible says God’s voice is in the waters and the thunder. The Bible also says the trees of the wood sing out the presence of the Lord . If we are quiet we can hear God in many ways.

Luke 2:41-49 Jesus went to the temple when he was 12 years old. He was so glad to get to go. He wanted to learn all he could from the teachers at the temple.  When  his parents got ready to leave they couldn’t find Jesus.  They finally found him sitting with the teachers and listening quietly as they taught about God. Can you be quiet while your teacher or preacher teaches about God?

II Thessalonians 3:12 Jesus wanted everyone to work quietly.  He knew that was the best way to work. When you are talking loudly while you work you can’t do your  best on what you are doing.  If someone else is talking or working and we are not quiet they can’t do their best. We must study to be quiet while we work or while others work or talk.

Matthew 5-7 One day Jesus went on a mountain and a great many people followed him to the top, of the mountain.  Jesus saw the people and began to teach them. The people sat and listened to Jesus preach about God for hours quietly.  Can you sit and listen quietly when someone is preaching about God?

Prayer: Pray this with your children for yourself and and for them: Dear God, Help us pay close attention to You and to others.

Activities for baby:

Look him in the eyes without saying anything as you make different expressions
Show a picture of Jesus praying alone
Let him hear different sounds: ticking clock, bell, squeak toy, etc.
Sing quietly to him
Talk in a strong voice and soft voice, a whisper and a shout

Activities for older preschoolers:

Find picture of Jesus praying alone with God and cut it to make a puzzle
Walk in woods or a field and be very quiet as you listen for “God sounds” (birds, rustle of leaves, etc)
Play silent game -who can be quiet the longest
Paint or color a picture without saying a word
Look for a ticking clock hidden in a room
Identify 5 different expressions on mother’s face – ex. happy, sad, mad, etc.

Songs: Make up songs by fitting Bible verses or thoughts on attentiveness to a familiar tune
(Tune of ‘Are You Sleeping’)
I am listening; I am listening
Yes I am; yes I am
Listening to my parents.
Listening for God sounds
Quietly today; quietly today


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