A Thanksgiving Psalm

(This is another lesson from Here a Little, There a Little,.  It was designed to spend a week memorizing the Psalm and reinforcing it through 5 activities.)



Help your child memorize Psalm 100 by finding pictures to illustrate the verses.

Psalm 100:1-5


Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands.

Serve the Lord with gladness: 

Come before his presence with singing.

Know ye that the Lord he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves;

We are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. 

Enter into his gates with thanksgiving,and into his courts with praise: 

Be thankful unto him, and bless his name. 

For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting;
and his truth endureth to all generations.



Prayer: Thank you for all you have given us and all you do for us.  Help us to always have a grateful attitude toward You and others.

Activities for younger preschooler:

Laugh and sing a lot

Sing and smile while changing his diaper or dressing him and talk about being happy to serve him.

Show a picture of sheep – let him feel wool.  Talk about being God’s lamb that He takes care of.

Take a day and give thanks for every little thing: toothbrush, clean sheets, water, soap, diapers, etc.

Start a thank you box of pictures of things to be thankful for.  Show them as you say, “Thank you God for ______”

Activities for older preschoolers:

Laugh and sing a lot

Talk about the fact that serving God is really serving others.  Do an act of service with a cheerful spirit. (rake leaves, bake and share cookies, or simply tie his shoe and talk about how you are happy to serve him.)

Find a picture of a sheep, mount it on cardboard, then cut it into a puzzle.  Talk about how we belong to God and He cares for us as the shepherd cares for his sheep.

Take a day and give thanks for every little thing: toothbrush, clean sheets, water, soap, crayons, etc.

Make a thank you box by filling a box with pictures of things and people to be thankful for.  Each night let him pull out a few and lead him to tell God thank you.

see and hear these at http://www.trainupthechild.org/2010/11/09/keeping-thanks-in-thanksgiving-songs/

We Are Thankful (tune of Are You Sleeping)

We’re Glad Today

We’ve Got So Much


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