Enjoy God’s Beautiful World

Daniel 2:21
And He changes the times and the seasons;

Celebrate each season, emphasizing God’s hand in it all.  Autumn is such a fun tme to enjoy God’s beautiful world with your children. Go outside and play in the leaves – build a leaf fort, bury each other in leaves, walk on the dry leaves and hear them crunch, see who can find the most perfect, colorful leaf.  Be sure to thank God for the leaves as you play. And don’t forget to sing!!!


Day Two – God Made Sky and Water

Day Two
(click for a printable pdf)

Day Two – God Made Sky and Water

And God said, “Let there be space between the waters, to separate water from water.”And so it was. God made this space to separate the waters above from the waters below. And God called the space “sky.” This happened on the second day.
Genesis 1:6-13


Say:  “On the second day of Creation, God made the sky and water.  The sky was made to separate the water in the sky from the water on the earth.  This is what the Bible says: And God said, “Let there be space between the waters, to separate water from water.”And so it was. God made this space to separate the waters above from the waters below. And God called the space ‘sky.’ This happened on the second day.
Read about Day Two of Creation in a Bible story book.


Make a picture like the one above or use the printable pdf.

Sky:  Make a paper airplane and/or a kite. If you need help, go here:

As you fly these, repeat often Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God made the heavens and the earth and sing Blue, Blue Sky.

Water:  Talk about the waters that fall from the sky: rain, snow, hail, frost, dew

  • Take a bag of cotton balls and pretend it is snowing by throwing the balls up in the air.  Throw ‘snowballs’ at each other
  • Play with the sprinkler or a watering can and listen to the water fall down as you sing God Made the Rain.
  • Act out ways you use water – bathing, swimming, cooking, etc.

Prayer: Thank you, God, for the blue sky and for the water that falls from the sky and covers the land.  Thank you, God, for everything you have made.

Songs: Sing the following words to God Made the Whole World by His Hands.  Click to listen.

God made the sky by His Hands
He made the waters that cover the lands
God made the sky and the waters by His hands
He made the whole world by His hands


Day One – God Made Day and Night

Day One
(click for a printable pdf of this)

Then God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.
God called the light “day” and the darkness “night.”
Together these made up one day.
Genesis 1:3, 5


Say:  “God created everything.  He started by making day and night on the very first day. The Bible says that God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light. God called the light ‘day’ and the darkness ‘night’. Together these made up one day.”
Read about Day One in a children’s Bible story book.


  • You can make a day and night picture like the one above or you can use the printable pdf.  I will be giving you one each day this week so you can either make a Creation book or cut out the circles and cover in plastic so you can use them to let your child put them in order.
  • Talk about and act out things you do at night – bathe, sleep, read, watch tv, etc.
  • Talk about and act out things you do during the day – work, school, play outside, etc


Thank you, God, for making the day for work and play.  Thank you, God, for making night for rest.  Thank you, God, for making the whole world!!


Sing the following words to God Made the Whole World by His Hands.  Click to listen.

God made the light and called it day.
God made the dark and called it night.
God made both day and night by His hands.
He made the whole world by His hands.


Ideas for Healthy Eating

I recently had the privilege of meeting Lisa Giordano.  She is the leader of a MOPS group in Burbank California and is a very proactive mom in caring for her family spiritually and nutritionally.  I am happy to have her  share some of what she does to help her family eat healthy:

One easy way to share with my child about healthy eating is the traffic light concept. This is taken from the pediatrician Dr. William Sears. If a food is a “green light” food, it is healthy to eat or a “go for it” food. Examples of this are breads made with sprouted grains, fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, fish, and lean meats such as white meat chicken and turkey. The more we can make fresh fruits and veggies desirable the better. To do this, moms may need to use a low fat dip for little ones or sneak them into a shake with some fruit like your daughter-in-law Becca does (green smoothies).

“Yellow light” foods are “think about it” foods. They are okay in moderation, but should be reserved for treats and only eaten occasionally. Examples of this would be butter, cakes, candy, cookies, and white bread.

“Red light” foods are “stop, say no, bad for you” foods. Examples of these foods would be nitrate-containing meats, packaged foods with “hydrogenated oils, drinks made with food coloring, and doughnuts. One of the downfalls of “yellow and red light” foods is sugar.

Foods with complex carbohydrates found in vegetables, grains, and fruits are good for you. The simple sugars found in soda, candies, frostings, and packaged treats can do harm.Dr. Sears states these five reasons why they are harmful:
(It is helpful for me to remember these facts before I reach for a candy bar!)

– sugar depresses immunity
– it sours behavior, attention, and learning
– it promotes sugar highs
– it promotes sugar cravings
– it promotes heart disease


It is helpful for me to have weekly lists made for meals and snacks so that our family will be healthy. Fast food is something that is purchased if I don’t plan well. If I grocery shop and start meal prep early in the day, it is less likely for us to make bad food choices.

Blessings to you and your readers,
Lisa Giordano

Thanks to Lisa for this very helpful information.  Click to order the book she mentioned, The Family Nutrition Book: Everything You Need to Know About Feeding Your Children – From Birth through Adolescence

We are building temples for God to live in.  We must train our children spiritually to create a desire in them to be a temple; we must train them nutritionally and physically to keep that temple healthy.


The Lord is Good to All – Bible Stories and Activities

Here a Little, There a Little is a compilation of Bible activities I created years ago to use with my preschool children.  It was designed to spend a week memorizing one verse and reinforcing it through 5 Bible lessons and 5 activities.  I hope you find this week’s lesson helpful to intentionally notice the ways God is good to us.

God is Good

Psalm 145:9  The Lord is good to all.

Bible Stories: (I suggest you read the stories from the Bible and then tell them in your own words with expression.  Also find them in your children’s Bible and read them to your children.)

  1. Genesis 2 God made the first man and named him Adam.  He was good to Adam.  He gave him all kinds of animals to keep him company.  But Adam was still lonely so God made Adam a wife to be his best friend, to talk to, and to share the garden with.  God made Eve to be Adam’s wife.  God was good to Adam (Proverbs 18:22)
  2. Exodus 14 God’s people were being chased by some bad people who didn’t love God and wanted to hurt His people.  When they came to a great big sea, they had no way to cross the water, so God parted the water in the center and the people of God walked on dry land right over to the other side of the sea without even getting wet! Then the bad men started to cross over after them, but God caused the waters to go back together and all the bad men were drowned.  God protected his people; He was good to them.
  3. I Samuel 1 Hannah was so sad because she wanted a baby very badly.  She asked God for a baby and God answered her prayer.  He gave her a baby boy named Samuel.  God was good to Hannah and wanted her to be happy.  God was good to us so He gave us a special gift from Him – He gave us you!  The Bible (Psalm 127:3) tells us that children are a gift from God.
  4. Matthew 8:20, Matthew 6:25-34 God is good to the birds; He gives them nests to live in. God is good to the foxes; He gives them holes to live in .  God feeds the birds and clothes the flowers and the grass.  Jesus said that if God takes care of these, how much more will He take care of you and feed and clothe you too. He is good to all!
  5. God is good to you; The Bible tells us that He thinks about you (Psalm 139:17).  He is with you always (Joshua 1:9).  He even knows when you are crying and catches your tears (Psalm 56:8).   He gives you good things to eat (Psalm 103:5). God is good to you!!

Prayer: Thank You, God,  for being so good to us. (Lead your child to thank God for  specific things as they come to mind)

Activities for baby:

  1. Sing the songs in the videos below and change the words to fit what you might be doing that reminds you that God is good.
  2. While rocking, name the ways God is good to us.
  3. Let baby look in a mirror and talk about how good God is to have given him to you
  4. Feed the birds and talk about how God takes care of them and us.
  5. Share the verse while he eats.

Activities for older preschoolers:

  1. Creatively write or illustrate the verse.  Hang it on the fridge or in a prominent place all week.
  2. Lead him to name ways God is good to us and sing the songs below, fitting the things he named into the songs.
  3. Look at pictures of when he was born and talk about how good God is to have given him to you.
  4. Feed the birds and talk about how God takes care of them and us.
  5. Make cookies and say “God satisfies our mouths with good things to eat (Psalm 103:5).



Check out these:

Children’s Bibles

My Awesome God Bible Story Book
