Keeping Thanks in Thanksgiving: Bible Stories

Use the Bible to make your children aware of people who thanked God.  The first Bible story that comes to mind that has to do with thanks is the story of the Ten Lepers in Luke 17:11-19.  Ten lepers came to Jesus and were healed, but only one came back to say thank you.  At you can buy an Arch book about this entitled He Remembered to Say Thank You.    Our children loved the Arch Books as they tell the Bible stories in rhyme and the pictures are very colorful. There are many Bible stories available in the Arch Series.

The story of Hannah A Mother Who Prayed (also an Arch books) is an example of thankfulness as she earnestly prayed for a child and when God answered her prayer, she gave Him thanks. This story is found in 1 Samuel 1 and 2.

The Psalms are full of David’s thank yous.  And Paul talks often of his thankfulness for various things.

If you don’t have the books, read the stories in the Bible for yourself, and then tell them in your own words with expression.  Be creative and use visuals.  For example for the Ten Lepers you can make 10 paper dolls with dots all over them on one side and then flip them over  to reveal the spots are all gone when you talk about Jesus healing them.  Have all of them leave, and then one of them comes back to thank Jesus.


Keeping Thanks in Thanksgiving: Express Thanks to Others

God deserves all our praise and thanksgiving, but He also wants us to have a grateful spirit toward others. God says in Matthew 25:40 that when we do something for others, it is like doing it for Him.

Everyone needs to feel appreciated. Tell others how thankful you are for them, what they do, their attitude, their smile, their words, etc.

Make thank you notes for people in your life that you don’t normally think of thanking, such as the mailman, doctor, teacher, grandparent, the men who pick up the trash, your waiter, the paint mixer at Lowe’s, the UPS delivery man, your children, your spouse.

Be specific and creative.  Lead the whole family to participate in making cards or expressing thanks in some way.

“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it, is like wrapping a present and not giving it.”- William Arthur Ward.


Halloween – Fun and Fear

A wise lady told me once, “Don’t make your children so different from the world that the world doesn’t want what you have.”  I thought that was great advice, so we have always enjoyed the innocent fun at Halloween.  But some things that go on at this time go beyond fun and can cause fear in children.

A friend of mine wrote me this week with a question about how to talk to her grandchildren about the fear they are experiencing after hearing some Halloween ghost stories.  Here’s what I sent her:

You could start by saying that there are bad spirits in the world, but we don’t have to be afraid of them if we believe in Jesus because of 1 John 4:4 “But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won your fight with these false prophets, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world.

Emphasize this is why it is important to stay close to God because He is greater than the bad spirits.  In fact, they are afraid of Him and the Bible says that at the name of Jesus they have to run away (Philip. 2:10 “so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth,”) He said we can use His name to tell the bad spirits to go away (Mark 3:15 “and he gave them authority to cast out demons.”) Talk to them about the power of using the name ‘Lord Jesus Christ’

God has given us good spirits called angels to watch over us  (Psalm 91:11-12 “For he orders his angels to protect you wherever you go. They will hold you with their hands to keep you from striking your foot on a stone.” All of Psalm 91 is about God’s protection – good psalm to memorize.

I would definitely choose at least one scripture to memorize with them that they can quote when they feel fearful.

Two that I always use with children are:
Joshua 1:9 “I command you—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

Psalm 56:3  “What time I am afraid, I will trust in God.”

Tell them about when Jesus used scripture to battle the devil (Luke 4)
There is power in the Word (Isaiah 55:11 “so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.“)

Tell them that God doesn’t want us to be afraid (2 Tim. 1:7 “For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.”)

Lead them to talk to God about their fears.

A good book to teach children to use this holiday to celebrate God’s victory over evil spirits is Halloween: Is It for Real? by Harold Myra

Please check out for great insights and ideas to help use Halloween to emphasize trusting Jesus.


Remember your Fathers

Ephes. 6:2-3
“Honor your father and mother.” This is the first of the Ten Commandments that ends with a promise.  And this is the promise: If you honor your father and mother, “you will live a long life, full of blessing.”

No matter what our age, this commandment applies to us.  Appreciate your Dad this week; make him feel special.  If your Dad is no longer living on earth, remember him in love  as you tell your children about their grandfather.  My Dad has been in heaven for 18 years now, so I will ask God this Father’s Day to tell him how much I love him and appreciate the heritage he gave me and my children.

My Dad was such a friendly man; he never met a stranger and would greet anyone he passed on the street with a friendly ‘Hello, how are you?’ People don’t do that much anymore – we walk past one another and don’t even acknowledge anyone is there – but not my dad – I think of him every time this happens.

He was an entrepreneur, always trying something new. He liked to say that he was a ‘jack of all trades and a master of none’.  But that’s not true – he mastered being a dad above anything else!!!  I could talk to him about anything. He was always kind and patient.

He loved his family.  He would tell anyone that would listen about his children and grandchildren.  And he had such a tender heart for his pets.  He even taught our dog to stand up and pray 🙂

He became a Christian when I was 12 and immediately delved into the scriptures and became the men’s Bible teacher in our church for a while.  I have so many fond memories of him, but one is particularly special – we had just gotten some good news from my Mom’s doctor and as we left the hospital, walking arm in arm, we sang, “Let’s Just Praise the Lord”!!  One day we will do that again!

I wish every child could have the childhood I had.  Thank you God for my Daddy, Marion Eugene Head.

I’m thankful my children have had that kind of childhood.  Check out the excellent audio sermon series this month about Fathering and Family by the wonderful father of my children at


My Mom

Screen shot 2011-05-09 at 5.53.26 PMIdell Pratt Head
5/9/1919 – 12/12/1997

There have been many great moms throughout history and I tend to quote Susanna Wesley more than any, but the mother who has affected my life the most is my own mother.  She only had a 9th grade education and worked in a cotton mill, but she was a superior mother and grandmother.

When I was growing up, Mom was always busy taking care of her family and never taking time for herself.  She was happiest when she was doing something for her husband, her children, and her grandchildren.

She loved God and took me to church regularly, even though my Dad didn’t get involved in church until I was 13.  She read the Bible to me and prayed with me every night when she tucked me in bed; this set the example for me to do the same with my children.

Whenever I had friends to spend the night, she would buy us anything we wanted to snack on and would spend time with us telling stories from her childhood or just talking with us.  Our home was always open; Mom loved to have people stop by to visit.  This greatly influenced me as I am most in my element when my home is full of people.

Mom loved to give to others even though she didn’t have much.  She loved to bake pies and keep them in the freezer just so she would have something to give to someone who might come by – everyone left with a homemade pie.

Mom developed a lot of physical problems later in life and it makes me sad that my children did not get to know her like I knew her or the older grandchildren knew her.  She died of lung cancer in 1997.  I still miss her very much and wish I could have a long talk with her.  I thank God for her leading me to Christ, giving me such a happy childhood, and setting the example of what a mother should be.

My cousin wrote me a few years after her death and said that he still missed my mom and that he never met a women as good nor will he ever meet a woman as good as my mom!!

Whenever I get to longing for Mom or Dad, I ask God to tell them that I love them and am thinking of them.  So . . . God, please tell Mom “Happy Mother’s Day from her baby girl”.
